Is Five Years the New Forever?

Is Five Years the New Forever?

This was a great article, it really made some great connections to the real world while getting need to know information out. The thesis of this article was very clearly stated in the first sentence, “Many young couples are bailing out of marriages that are barely beyond the honeymoon phase.” It starts of talking about Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitts short 5 year relationship to get something to compare facts to the rest of the article. It goes through a few major points on why marriages are seen as disposable today, one being they get married for the wrong reasons. Peope even just a decade ago were getting married for different reasons than people today, “Once upon a time, couples got hitched for reasons other than love, and no matter how unromantic it sounds, those factors helped marriages last.” To give you an idea of just how bad our relationships are struggling today, let me give you a statistic from this article. “at least 40 percent of marriages end in divorce today, compared with 20 percent in 1960.” I will be able to use this article very effectively in my paper because it connects to the real world very well and some quotes from it will help my readers stay interested.

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